Pretty sad when this last ear infection has lasted more than two weeks we have been on three antibiotics and the Dr. said today that he drained a ton of junk from both ears, poor little girl!!
So, at 5:15 this morning we headed out to the hospital - and what could make a girl so happy as this hour is to realize she has a new stuffed Barney which was so kindly given to us from a very special person.
Ava enjoyed pre-op, she especially enjoyed hiding under the chairs Heath and I are in. Each time a new nurse or dr. would come in she was always under the chairs just looking at them, like what's up?
Here we are in the pre-op enjoying a little Barney on the portable DVD player. Just having that today was worth the $50 Gree and Grandpa spent on that jewel.
Don't I look so cute in my gown?
Gotta love hospital gowns!!!!!
Overall, the surgery went great and hopefully this will be the answer to the problem!
The worst part is over! Hopefully she will feel better now. Sorry that y'all had to do it:(
I'm glad everything went well. Like you said, I hope this is the solution and that you will have a "new" little girl who is pain-free and happy!
Caleb had the same thing done at this age. I was shocked at how fast the proceedure was. I was expecting him to be in there for a while...
The worst part for us was waking up from anesthesia. Not a happy boy.
The tubes....It was life changing! Seriously, it was great. I found out I went a little overboard on protecting his ears from water. I put cotton balls in his ears for baths, told him NOT to put his head underwater. Put the wax plugs in his ears at the pool, told him NOT to put his head underwater.... found out from the ENT specialist AFTER the things finally fell out on their own (which was great that they fell out and there was not another procedure) that you really don't have to worry THAT much about it. The tubes are so small the child would have to be submerged under water for a while at a pretty deep level for the pressure to be enough to make the water go past that tiny tube.
Is your Dr. a young guy with black hair in FW? That is who we used and he was GREAT!
She will be great. Glad you went through with the tubes. One less thing to worry about. :)
Glad Ava is okay! Hopefully the ear infections will become a thing of the past!
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