We did not know we were in for such a treat it was the big motorcycle rally for White Buffalo Days that weekend (this rally is ranked 6th in the nation!) We started off the rally on Friday night with a motorcycle parade. At first, I thought are you kidding me but it was my kind of parade it was at night so it was cool and it only lasted 15 minutes and we got to see a lot of cool bikes. Saturday morning my sis and I went for an 8 mile run and met the rest of the family at the soccer fields because some of our favorite kiddos were playing (Jax in the yellow, Jadan in the

Ava enjoyed the games and thought she needed in on the action.

Then, for lunch we headed down to the square to see what the vendors had to offer for White Buffalo Days and there wasn't much, but as in any small town got to visit with some people I hadn't seen in awhile. So, we had some lunch laid around all day because if you saw above I ran 8 miles I really couldn't do much of anything just because I was in pure pain!!! Then, for the main reason we went was for a big birthday celebration. On my mom's side of the family all 10 of us cousins were pretty much born and raised in West Texas and grew up like brothers and sisters. Some of us are married with children so the family is growing at a rapid pace. My brilliant cousin Lauren came up with the idea to do three birthdays a year for the great grandchildren and they will just be combined birthdays which is great because it gives us all a reason to get together at least that many times a year. So, we kicked off the first birthday celebration. Here Ava is enjoying one of her favorite things about birthday parties balloons.

Here are two of our little girls Mallerie and Tymrie showing Ava some love, I don't know if you can find Ava in there because Mallerie really had the love going on

Then here are all the little ones in their shining glory it is impossible to get a dazzling picture of this many kids but this is the best I can get. And that's not all, yes we are missing two - Steeley and CJ weren't able to be with us this time around and we missed ya'll!!!

I did have a little better picture but this one so adequately shows most of their personalities...
I am going to have to jot them down just so we don't forget what all these precious kids are like
Starting at the right...
Mallerie - This girl is so skinny and eats everything in sight you can't really tell but she is looking at this cake and smiling and she so did take her big piece of chocolate cake and sat ate it while the other kids played - she never misses dessert
Tymrie - She is usually a total ham for the camera (just like her mother) but in this instance I honestly think she thinking this is like my 4th or 5th party can we just get on with it.
Jax - Sweet Jax is probably just watching to make sure everyone is included and helping each other, he is always concerned for others.
Jagger - Happy baby Jagger with a smile that can melt your heart. In this picture he is being a total third child and just going with the flow like whatever let's move on with this.
Ava - She was nearing the breaking point of enough already
Micah - She is beside Ava and was the first great grandchild. She is growing up to be a beautiful little girl and this is total her she never misses a minute to pose in front of the camera.
Stryker - He is above Ava and it was his first birthday, he is usually a very happy baby but he was pretty much done at this point, poor guy.
Taylor - Taylor isn't facing the camera because his sweet spirit is making sure Stryker is ok. We are very blessed to have such sweet boys. Taylor is always the first one to run in and hug every person in the room and doesn't leave until he has hugged everyone goodbye.
That concluded our weekend. Everyone laughs about how much I love going to West TX and with this kind of entertainment I know you are all jealous you can't enjoy the beauty of pure flat land without a tree in sight for miles. Although I really do think it is beautiful we love to go see family when we are altogether it is fun to catch up and just watch the kiddos play (even though some might mistake it for a three ring circus), it is loud and crazy and I could go on and on about all the memories but I am so glad we all have these memories and so look forward to sharing many more. Oh yeah, if you want to know more about White Buffalo Days because you are thinking about taking your next family vacation to it, just google it to learn its purpose - I know you can't wait to go!!!
8 miles!!!! You have got to be kidding me! When did you start running? I had know idea ... I am so impressed.
So much fun in Snyder town! Glad we were there the same weekend for all the festivities! It was good to see you! Ava is precious!
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